Jelani was brilliant, had a bright future, and was happy with where his life was …
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The club’s CCTV footage captured Justin outside at 1:30 a.m. on November 2, talking on …
Around 9 p.m., Lisa started walking home, and her friend accompanied her part of the …
On December 7, 1995, Janice was found dead on the kitchen floor of her Voorhees …
Despite the country’s violence against missionaries, Eleanor never wavered in her determination to stay in …
On June 22, 1990, Therese Rose Vanderheiden-Walsh’s mother, Merle Marie Vanderheiden, 39, kidnapped Therese while …
At 2:17 p.m., Ahmed received a phone call from Maden asking if Tia could babysit …
Around 11 a.m., Rachel spoke with her paternal grandmother, who lived in Dallas. The conversation …
On Halloween Day 1989, a private security firm received an alarm from the Salinas Food …